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Our BIMEPD platform is completed!

A date for the educational programme to be announced soon! 

28 June 2022
Warsaw University of Technology



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The second BIMEPD meeting took place in Warsaw on the 28th of June and we are glad to inform you that the BIMEPD software is completed, our educational modules ready and we cannot wait to share this amazing platform with you! The Bulgarian Green Building Council will announce a date for the training programme which will familiarize the senior architects how to work with this useful platform which is implementing the building information modelling (BIM) and environmental product declarations (EPD) during the creation of the building project design.

This platform is giving us the opportunity to achieve maximum energy and resource efficiency and create better buildings for the future generations! This is an easy way for the architects to reach the optimal building performance and ensure the lowest carbon footprint possible. Our platform is calculating the lifecycle assessment of the building which is helping for the designers to implement low carbon materials and create a green and intelligent building.

We will stay in touch and inform you about the forthcoming educational programme!

More information on the project can be found here:



This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the
Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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