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Making city project closing event shows how positive energy districts open a green future in the city of Vidin

The final event of the MAKING-CITY project took place on 27 March in the newly opened cultural center "Jules Pasquin" in the city of Vidin.  The seminar marked the finalization of the innovative project for an energy positive zone in the city, funded under the European Union's Horizon 2020 Framework Programme. 

The purpose of the project was in two main directions:

  1. To identify technical opportunities for creating an energy positive zone within the city.

  2. To create a long-term energy strategy for the city.

With this project, the city of Vidin joins the lighthouse cities of Groningen (the Netherlands) and Oulu (Finland) as a follower city and will create two energy positive zones on an annual basis within the city, including municipally and privately owned buildings. The project coordinator is the CARTIF Foundation. Participants in Vidin are: the Municipality of Vidin, the Green Building Council of Spain, the Green Synergy Cluster and the Bulgarian Green Building Council.

The workshop also covered other aspects and opportunities for green energy urban development. The event was opened by Deputy Mayor Borislava Borisova, followed by Emilio Miguel Mitre - Spanish Green Building Council, Eng. Daniela Kostova and Eng. Peter Kissov from Green Synergy Cluster, Eng. Borislav Ivanov - EnEffect, Diana Paunova - Sofia Energy Agency "Sofena" and Anna Vitkova from the Bulgarian Green Building Council, who organized the event.

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