As a partner of the New European Bauhaus, we would like to remind you not to miss the opportunity to win up to €30 000 for your beautiful, sustainable, and inclusive project or concept!
The deadline for applications is approaching!
You can apply Until 28 February at 19:00 CET for the second edition of the New European Bauhaus Prizes.
Choose between:
• Awards (strand A) - for completed projects; and
• Rising Stars (strand B) - for ideas by young creators of up to 30 y.o.
In the 2022 Prizes there are new categories, an improved evaluation process involving external experts, and audience awards. Find here answers to your questions about this new edition.
Did you apply for the Prizes last year but did not win a prize? You may be eligible again this year, so don’t hesitate.
Applicants of all nationalities and backgrounds are welcome, as long as their concepts, ideas and projects are developed or physically located in the EU.